
Random Thoughts...

Sunday, August 29, 2010


There is a love beyond all understanding and I think it comes from God.

We also have a little of this within us.. like the love of a parent or child..
Then there's a love that's by choice. The love of a spouse... that can go so far as accepting them the way they are no matter what... it's a choice.. it's a power given to us.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Who knew life would fly by so fast!

I was just surfing and found my old blog... had forgotten all about it.
How life has changed... think I need to go through the posts and see who I was all those years ago.

Be back soon..

Monday, December 06, 2004

31 too old?

Age ain't nothing but a number indeed.
I have a wonderful single friend in her mid 20's who I really want to hook up. I'm not trying to marry her off. I know she's looking to meet new people or date and I'd like to help. The thing is that every guy I try to hook her up with doesn't seem to be the right fit. Recently I found a nice 31 year old who I though she might really like. Her objection, he's too old. He's only 31!
I must have changed somewhere along the years. Now that I think of it, at her age I would have thought the exact same thing. back then, 30 seemed so far away. The 30 somethings were the serious people. The "settled, old, established, past-their- prime marriage-minded ones". Now that I'm nearing my 30's, the title has mysteriously shifted to the 40 somethings.

All my friends seem to be in the settling down phase and their all in their mid 20's. Now I have nothing against it and I do think about it from time to time but the pressure sure seems to be piling on for some more than others. Is there a settling down and producing trigger that fires with maturity? Is mine the only one not firing? It's odd to hear a confessed player talk about finding someone he can live with for the rest of his life. It's almost irritating. Especially when someone says "you're almost 30. Shouldn't you be thinking about settling down and having a family?" Or "people loose respect for you if you're over a certain age and not married, especially if you're a woman." I at first wanted to punch the poor fellow in the face but later on just felt sorry for him. How tortured he must feel to think that others are judging him based on his marital status. I suggested he stop hanging around certain married couples. They seem to want him to be as miserable as they are! I'm not saying this to be mean, it's just that I know one of the couples he hangs around.. and I know all the details of their outwardly happy, inwardly troubled marriage. Don't get me wrong, marriage is great when it works but it just shouldn't be forced down people's throats or chastised for being happily single. Definitely not at the age of 31, be you male or female.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

2004 Elections

Believe it! Bush won again! Sure it was close, but a win is a win. Unbelieveable but true.
A friend of mine who's going off to war seemed pretty pissed about it. I can't blame him. The majority of the army is made up of the middle and lower class.
Can you blieve it. Some stranger has the right to put you in harms way becuse someone else voted for him.
If America gets attacked again (God forbid) the rest of the world isn't going to be as simpathetic tot he American people. How're you going to vote for the guy who attacks a country based on his own shady agenda. Whatever happened to finding Osama?
Anyway, "life goes on". That's what I said, not "what's the harm?"

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Have you ever been just sitting there and all of a sudden you feel like doing something nice for someone you care for? THAT'S GOD talking to you through the Holy Spirit.
Have you ever been down and out and nobody seems to be around for you to talk to? THAT'S GOD wanting you to talk to Him.
Have you ever been thinking about somebody that you haven't seen in a long time and then next thing you know you see them or receive a phone call from them? THAT'S GOD.
Have you ever received something wonderful that you didn't even ask for like a coupon to a department store where you had just seen something you needed, but couldn't afford? THAT'S GOD knowing the desires of your heart.
Have you ever been in a situation and you had no clue how it was going to get better, how the hurting would stop, how the pain would ease, but now you look back on it. . THAT'S GOD passing us through tribulation to see a brighter day.
Do you think that this e-mail was accidentally sent to you? NO! I was thinking of you!
Please pass this along and share the Power of God.
In all that we do, we should totally give thanks and our blessings will continue to multiply. Keep this going. You have no idea which one of your e-mail buddies could use a little hope today.
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthians 13:7, NLT

Monday, September 30, 2002

Was going through my mail and look what I found, a forward someone sent me...

A look at the lighter side of the news & life Wednesday, 02 May 2001
Secondary School Love Letter

I was riffling through my old things the other weekend: Secondary
school note books, undergraduate files and somewhere in my notebook for
PhiChemBi (pronounced FI-KEM-BA): Physics, Chemistry, Biology), I came
across a true relic from the past: a love letter I'd written to the first
girl I was supposed to have loved.

The letter in question is not an ordinary letter. It was the first letter
I'd ever written to any girl. It was also written in a particular style.
As secondary school students, we had our own way of doing things.
Being newly introduced to the mysteries of science and agriculture,
invariably felt that a love letter was a good means of showing off our
Every love letter was scrutinised by one's circle of peers. For the writing
of this particular letter, I had no fewer than 10 advisers. The letter kept
going back and forth with each person, adding his own line.

Our objective was simple: that the girl to whom is was addressed should fall
head over heels in love. We had high hopes that the letter sould do the
trick. You probably also once wrote such a letter.

Here, this is the beginning of my first love letter: an emotional
disconnection from reality, a question mark??? As follows:

At school, July 10, 1978

My dearest, sweetest, fondest, fantastic, extra-ordinary, paragon of beauty
a.k.a Lizzy.

I hope this letter meets you in a fabulous state of metabolism, if so
doxology. My principal aim of writing this letter to you is to gravitate
your mind towards a matter of global and universal importance, which has
been troubling my soul.

The matter is so important. Even as I am writing, my adrenalin is 100 per
cent on the Richter scale, my temperature is rising, the windvane of
my mind is pointing North, South and East at the same time; the mirror in my
eyes has only your divine image. Indeed when I sleep, you are the one in my
medulla oblongata, and I dream about you. I went out to sea in my dream, and
I saw you: surrounded by H20 and you in your majesty rose from the abdomen
of the sea like Yemoja, the avatar of beauty.

Oh, Lord be with us! We are thy servants!!!

As you can see, I am in a serious dilemma. And I want you to take my matter
seriously. At this junction, what our Lord said on this matter is germane.
He says we should ask, and we shall be given, we should seek and we will
find, and that we should knock, and it will be opened unto
us. I am this 10th day of the seventh month in the year of our Lord, one
thousand, nine hundred and seven eight, asking, seeking and knocking at your
door. My prayer is that thou should open so that thy servant can enter. I
want to wake up in the morning and see only your face.

I want you to be the only sugar in my tea, the only fly in my ointment, the
butter on my bread, the grey matter of my system, the oxygen in my head, the
planet of my universe, the wall clock of my room. The conveyor
belt of my soul. I pray that you realise the gargantuan nature of my
predicament. If you refuse, my life will be like tea without sugar, like a
snail without shell, a Xmas goat without a horn; in fact I'll become an
orphan. What is life if I can't wake up in the morning and behold your face?
You model of pulchritude, patiently created by God on a Sunday morning
before he went on a deserved holiday.

Please Lizzy, let me be your Romeo. Make me the Adam to your Eve.
Shakespeare said it all: if music be the food of love, play on. I want to
emphasise, universally and responsibly, that you are love itself. You are
the metaphor, oxymoron, thesis, antithesis, irony, gerund, conjunction and
the adverb of love.

At this juncture, let me also say that geography of your body is a permanent
allelluia. Not from your body, ammonia, urea and iodine- you are too
beautiful for that, what I see in your body is milk and honey.

At this juncture, brevity is the soul of wit. A stitch in time saves nine.
Procrastination is the thief of time. An opportunity once lost can never be
regained. Make hay while the sun shines. All that glitters is not gold. The
journey of a thousand years begins with a step. What God has put together
let no man put asunder. To be a man is not an easy task even if God's time
is the best. But time waits for no one. A man without love is like a fish
out of water.

I know you are a sagacious girl. If you like the veracity of what I am
saying, please fill the attached form and let me have it pronto. The mark at
the bottom of this page is a kiss from me to you.

I remain, Your beloved, faithful, loyal, One and only admirer.

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

You know this is a day almost every blogger is going to blog!
I will not blog about 9-11. I will not blog about 9-11. I will not blog about 9-11. I will not blog about 9-11. I will not blog about 9-11. I will not blog about 9-11. I will not blog about 9-11. I will not blog about 9-11. I will not blog about 9-11.

Today I went blog hopping. It's not as easy as it sounds to bloghop around till you get back to where you started. There are a lot of dead ends. Some people out there just don't like linking to other blogs. Then sometimes you get stuck because certain bloggers only links to certain types of blogs and you end up in a loop.
I started off with Bubblebutt of course, found some interesting reads at Escribitionist. From her daily reads, I went to Que Sera Sera from where I saw the text obscured and exited to listen missy. Then it was off to Closet which I thought would be more interesting than it was. Which took me to true porn clerk stories. That was interesting. I kinda got stuck there so I'll have to continue this later.

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of the 9-11 bombing. Wow! It's been a year already? Have I been hibernating? Where did the year go? I can't believe a year ago today, I was on my way to New York and then changed my mind. I can't believe a year ago tomorrow, I was being turned away by all forms of transportation going into New York. It's been a year already but it feels like just a month ago.

Sunday, September 08, 2002

there's something about the words to these lyrics that just...
I don't know what it is it makes me feel. Does anyone have any idea?

I've never been to me
Hey lady, you lady cursing at your life
You're a discontented mother and a regimented wife
I've no doubt you dream about the things you'll never do
But I wish some one had talked to me like I wanna talk of you…

Ooh I've been to georgia and california and, anywhere I could run
I took the hand of a preacher man and we made love in the sun
but I ran out of places and friendly faces
Because I had to be free
I've been to paradise
But I've never been to me…

Please lady, please, lady
Don't just walk away
Cause I have this need to tell you why I'm all alone today
I can see so much of me
Still living in your eyes
Won't you share a part of a weary heart
That has lived million lies…..

Oh I've been to niece and the isle of greece
While I've sipped champagne on a yacht
I've moved like harlow in monte carlo
And showed 'em what I've got
I've been undressed by kings
and I've seen some things that woman ain't supposed to see…
I've been to paradise,
But I've never been to me….

Hey, you know what paraddise is? it's a lie
A fantasy we create about people and places as we'd like them to be
But you know what truth is?
It's that little baby you're holding
It's that man you fought with this morning
The same one you're going to make love with tonight
That's truth, that's love……

Sometimes I've been to crying for unborn children
that might have made me complete
But i…I took the sweet life
I never knew
I'd be bitter from the sweet
I've spent my life exploring the subtle whoring
That costs too much to be free… hey lady…

I've been to paradise…
But I've never been to me…

I've been to paradise
Never been to me
I've been to georgia and california
And anywhere I could run
I've been to paradise never been to me been to neice ans the isle of greece
While I've sipped champange on a yacht
I've been to paradise never been to to me…

Soundtrack : the adventure of priscilla : queen of the desert (1994)
lyrics from yimpan

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Monday was a nice day... I don't feel like blogging so I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Just browsing an noticed.... Bubu's ABC's you shouldn't teach your kids, and Faf's blog about problem solving and shitty names . Funny people those two!

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Saturday's Baby Shower
As tradition expects... the majority of the guests were fashionable late. Being an hour late we thought we'd be "on time" (I think it's an African thing to be late for an event no matter where in the world you live). Hardly anyone had arrived. The hosts; aunt Ella and aunt Mona had invited us. It was fun. There was food, music, embarrassing questions for the expecting mother (a skinny lady with big tummy). It was nothing like a normal baby shower. There were no silly games, there were no kids allowed during certain parts of the shower.

Bubu had the nerve to ask the mother, "how does one get a boy?" and I won't go into some of the answers some guests gave to help out the blushing mother-to-be. The most obvious question was, "how did it happen?" That's a good question considering the you usually forget that someone had to have sex before a cute little baby come out. There was BQ and her sidekick Bubu. They were the loudest mouths at the shower.

There was also a very informative session where the guests (mothers and non-mothers) gave the expecting mother some advice on what to expect, things to consider, not to consider. I didn't know African mothers went through post partum depression. I guess I never thought about it. Back home in Ghana, I don't think I ever heard it mentioned in so many words. Maybe it's because there usually is a better support system. Just like the expecting mother, you usually have your mother or some other female mother figure to help you out during pregnancy and for the critical months afterwards. Thus the mother faces less stress which makes post partum depression less obvious.. but it does happen especially since midwives know to warn the mother about the symptoms ahead of time.
After that she opened her gifts.. and there were a lot I might add. Then there was edzeban... jollof, wakye, nkontomire froyeh, light soup, fish, chicken, corn, shito, banku, cake... etc.

Africans, especially Ghanaians will look for an excuse to party. After the shower was over, there was a little party and the men were allowed to join in. DJ Chaka (the unofficial African DJ for the city) was there to DJ for us. The expecting mother's husband came by to party with her. I tell you, I've never seen a white man who can move like that. He can shake his booty all the way to the floor. You should have seen Bubu shaking her thing, and Chakaman. Oh Chakaman can really booggy down. Then there was this other pregnant woman at the party. I felt for her baby. She was moving like the soul train dancers. I'm suprised the baby didn't just plop out. We left soon after. If we hadn't, we'd have been there till 2 in the morning for there is "FROM" and no "TILL" for an African event.

Friday, August 30, 2002

Not only does she insult me in her blog but she abuses me and forces me to blog. I wish I'd never introduced her to blogger. If one of these days you can't access my blog, know that I took it down because of her. She's more of a buggerbutt than a bubblebutt.
I can no longer remember what I was originally going to blog about.

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Whoever said "the secret to a good life is good health and a bad memory", was right!

A fool is someone who does the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Zero the cat is a fool. He keeps inching closer and closer to my bar of chocolate thinking I'll give him some.

"Age is a matter of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

What is soo anal about arranging books by author. Or arranging tapes and DVD's alphabetically, by category or color? Doesn't EVERYONE arrange thier CD's in some way? Isn't it easier to find what you're looking for if it's arranged in some fashion? Alphabetically, by genre, by rating, does it really matter? Why do I have to be called anal for trying to make things easier for who ever wants to find something?

Sunday, August 25, 2002

What a weekend!
Started on friday we did a whole bunch of things in the day. In the evening, we went to the waterfront. They were having an African style "By the Fireside" story-telling night. The only light we had was a bonfire craclking casting it's light onto the water giving it a surreal glow. People were sitting on the bank huddled in groups of twos and threes. A full moon shone in the distance. Beyond the bridge and on the other side of the banks, the lights of the city flickered on and off. We were so close to the waters edge, I wanted to wet my feet during intermission.
Storytellers took turns telling Ananse stories with thier thick accents and loosely translated english. they entertained the crowd. There were storytellers from Ghana, Gyana, and even a white Cameroonian born man whose pidgin would put most fluent pidgin speakers to shame. Each story was periodically interupted with jama by drunk Ghanaians singing at the top of thier lungs, playing all sorts of instruments, dancing and plain out fooling around. A very memorable experience. I guess that's because it was my very first of such. Somehow it felt like a memory was made. A memory which should have been made a long time ago but I'm glad it was made with Bubu around. I think she enjoyed it too.
The homowo festival the next day was almost as nice. We got a chance to meet some Africans. There was dancing lessons, live music, stuff for kids to do, things to learn, drumming, things to buy, african food etc. We took some pictures. I feel like we've done soo much already this weekend. Sunday will truely be a day of rest!

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Look what Bubu sent me. Isn't she sooo sweet?

Specially for u...
I used to think that love never existed
and that I enjoyed being alone
I used to think
that I was too independent
that I didn't need anyone
because I was so strong
But after meeting you
I realize that my attitude
towards love
was merely a cover-up of
my disappointment with relationships
I put on a strong, noncaring front
so no one would know how I felt
But after meeting you
I could no longer pretend
My feelings became transparent
and now I want to tell the world
something I always knew but was
afraid to admit
that love is the most important
feeling one can have
and I want to thank you for
causing me to be honest
with myself and others
I love you

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Adinkra china
I was looking around for some Adinkra designs I could use to inspire some artwork I'm about to do and I found this site. Imagine that! Adinkra on china. And other Adinkra merchandise. Now why didn't I ever think of that. It's such a great idea, and you know a think like that would sell in Ghana and over here just before Kwanza. Amazing. I'm pretty impressed.

Monday, August 19, 2002

While braiding
We were braiding Bubu's hair and listening to music. On comes Gloria Gaynors song, "I will survive". There we are singing along till she comes to the part that goes.. "go on now go. Walk out the door, don't turn around now, cos you're not welcome anymore", and we hear a door slam. Aparently Yahoo has the sound of a door shuting when someone logs off thier instant messenger or something. It was a pretty funny coincidence. You had to see it to get the full effect.
I might add, Bubu's hair looks good. I don't think I've ever done microbreads before but I've got to admit we did damn well for 13 hours worth of work.

Friday, August 16, 2002

I Thought
I thought everything was cool.
I though were were going to make nokey tonight.
oh you had me singing in the shower
you had me singing ..this is the night tonight
you had me singing ....girl I want to make you sweat
as I scrubbed every inch of my body
I thought the neighbours we going to complain tonight
I thought you were going to ache in the morning
you had me singing ...I'll make love to you
you had me singing ....can I touch you there
yes I even scrubbed my navel because I know you like to go there
I though we were going to see the stars and moon
you had me singing . ...red light special
you had me singing ....sexual healing
I thought I was going to blow your mind tonight
I thought all hell was going th break loose
you had me singing ...can we get freaky tonight
you had me singing ..get your freak on
I thought about showing you the meaning of
"my love is the bomb baby"
I thought the earth was going to shake tonight
I must have thought too much, I must have sang too long
and I must have thought wrong
cos you feel asleep on me.

Thursday, August 15, 2002

Ok, so it's depressed that I feel but why and where is it coming from?
Yes, I miss my father but I always miss my father. Could it be that I miss him more because he's ill? Because he's the closest thing by blood to me? I have friends and family who love me dearly but why is it that it hurts so much when I miss my father? Daddy's girl I truely am. I wish I was much closer to him. I wish I wish I wish.. If wishes were horses beggers would ride.
Or could I be depressed because I have a fear that she's going to realise that I'm not all that she wants me to be. That I can't give her everything she needs, that I'm weaker in every way. In the end it always comes down to one thing, "you've changed". And I don't know how to change back. I hope she never thinks I've changed.
Or it could just be hormones, hormones, hormones, I wish they'd just leave me alone. Wait, but then I'd be a man!

Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Oh she's so cute when she's pissed. Hmmm.. I don't think I've actually seen her pissed. Well, not face to face and not when it's directed at me. She's one of those internal people. Keeping all her anger inside. It's a bad thing but don't try to explain that to her. I think I'll get her a punching bag for christmas, I might need to use it myself.
No matter the situation, there's always a way to deliver it without making it seem so bad. Right?

Monday, August 12, 2002

Recipe for her hugs.
There's nothing more calming and peaceful than a hug from Bubu. It's like the hug that makes everything feel like it's going to be alright. It's like grandma's recipe for your favorite meal, warm tasty and mm mmm good. Should be patented. Then again, there's a lot of things about her that should be patented. I wonder if you could patent the gene that give her a butt so firm.

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

The case of the haunted butt.
"My butt is haunted butt?" That must have been the first time in the history of mankind that those words were uttered. She seemed pretty scared as she muttered in her sleep, "My butt is haunted, my butt is haunted". Could there possibly be anything on this earth that could haunt it? I guess she was just having a bad dream so I stroked the mighty butt and said, "it's ok". I then went back to bed to continue my own nightmare.
I was the caregiver of a paralyzed dog. We went to a luncheon after which he turned into a paralyzed man. He later sued me for caring about him. Anyway, what I remember most about the dream was the luncheon, there were some type of bread which tasted like chocolate cake on the inside.
Odd odd night!

Bitch, I mean Bubu is CRAZYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's kidnapped me. Locked the door and won't let me leave till I blog! How oh how?
I tell you! She's planning to kill me! I think the girl forgot to take her morning pills and she went out and bought the biggest truck she could find. A truck with space enough to carry 5 dead body's. Hmm.. the way she loves reading investigative reports and watches forensic shows, it makes you wonder. If I ever go missing. You know who!!!!

And on top of that, she wants a kiss by force! She's making everyone hug her by force!! Ayie!!!

Monday, August 05, 2002

Interesting reads

Saturday, August 03, 2002

I can't get Bon Jovi's It's My Life out of my head.

This ain't a song for the broken hearted
A silent prayer for faith departed
And I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud

It's my life
It's now or never
But I ain't going to live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frank, he said "I did it my way"
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life

This is for the ones who stood their ground
For Tommy and Gina who never back down
Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistakes
Luck, it ain't enough, you gotta make your own breaks

It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't going to live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frank, he said "I did it my way"
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life

Better stand tall when it's calling you out Don't bend, don't break
baby, don't back down

It's my life
It's now or never
'Cause I ain't going to live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frank, he said "I did it my way"
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't going to live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frank, he said "I did it my way"
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life

I was having the weirdest dream when I was awakened by the doorbell. Actually, I first heard it ring in the dream. Ever had a dream and felt that something was out of place? I was wondering why no one was answering it when I was all alone. Then my body woke out of the dream. I jumped up to answer it. A minute later my head started pounding. I must have gotten up too fast. I couldn't go back to bed and no matter what I took, I couldn't get the headache to go either.
Now I have a cold. A cold in the middle of Summer, the worst thing ever!! Some say chicken soup cures all. Light soup cures all in my book.

Friday, August 02, 2002

Just thinking outloud...

- What does it tell you when you remember to feed the fish but not take your vitamins.
- I miss Barnes & Nobles.
- How do you know when your actions are based on hormonal imbalance vrs mental instability?

Sharpe permanent marker comercial.
There is a construction guy painting a wall, leaning over or something. You can see the top of his underwear sticking out from his pants. Sharpe dude asks the guy "I see you used Sharpie there Bob". Bob says, "my name is Dave".

Thursday, August 01, 2002

I know why some people think most lesbians drive trucks. It's from the 1996 movie Bound. However the whole butch and femme couple thing seem overrated. I'm sure there are a lot of butch butch and femme femme couples. But for the movie, it's perfect. Bubu, no wonder no one is supprised.

"Violet(Jennifer Tilly) is the sexy mistress of Ceasar(Joe Pantoliano), a money launderer for the Mob. The comfortable "Family" lifestyle has become drudgery--until Violet meets Corky(Gina Gershon). Corky, a convicted thief out on parole, is hired as the maintenance person in the exclusive apartment complex where Violet and Ceasar reside. After forming a strong friendship with Corky, Violet wants out of the Mob lifestyle and sees Corky's theft expertise as her ticket to a fresh start. If Corky is willing to steal the two million dollars in cash stashed in the apartment that Ceasar must deliver to Marzzone the next day, together the women can escape the Mafia. However, when Ceasar discovers the money missing, he reacts differently than they anticipated... to say the least. Bound together against the wrath of Ceasar, Violet and Corky must rely on their instincts to survive."

I don't see why it's Rated R. There was nothing R in it. Or Maybe I didn't look hard enough.

Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Avoiding pain at all cost. What kind of life is that? Does that mean you can't be happy? Do you have to forefit possible happiness because of possible hurt and pain? If you are afraid that you might get hurt while in a relationship then how can you live a normal life? How can you experience all the goodness and badness of life?
Just be cautious and you can still be happy.
Don't avoid falling inlove just because you don't want to get hurt?

Surfing Ghanaian homepages
There are some sites you go to and have the uncontrollable urge to hit the back button but others have the little extra thingy that makes you wonder...
(by the way, these are all from ghanaweb.com)

I was going through some sites and came across Pigou. The July 28th post of some pictures from home simply cracked me up. It's really a shame and I couldn't help shake my head and think... only in Africa!

I have to admit, I haven't read the story of Richard but I love the layout. It's so nice and simple. However I'm not so sure about Afeeva's main page. I hate having to wait for a main page to load. But besides that, I have to admit, it's kinda different. I must have been realy tired when I saw Tha Thuggistry because I could swear I say the darkness engulfing the picture. It put a smile on my face to read "Worst quality: I can't keep ma mouth shut!!!!!!!!!"

Then there are sites like Steve Ababio's which makes you say Sheeeeeiii!!! Some peoples got skills!! And of course I can't talk about skills without talking about dear baby boy Faf and cutie Vincent Abanyie.

And I like Senyo's flash thingy.
Note to self... revisit Raymond Tettevi's site. How rare, a site who's content I actually find interesting.

Sometimes you surf onto a site you find interesting and you want to leave a message in thier guest book. Then I remember the page they have dedicated to thier religion and think... are heathens allowed to leave messages on the messageboard of non-heathens?
And oh... the shock of seeing people you know in the album of some random site. Especially when you know almost every person in thier album.

Monday, July 29, 2002

Just another sleepless night
Another musical late night. Then again, I did sleep till noon yesterday. I can't seem to get these songs out of my head. Maybe that's because I've been listening to them over and over again.
Stand by me -Pennywise & The Offspring
I Wanna be With You -Mandy Moore
Emotion -Destiny's Child
A New Day Has Come -Celine Dion
Adia -Sarah Mclachlan
Dreamer -Ozzy Osbourne
Have You Ever -Brandy
Hey Jude -Beatles
I Wanna Be Free -Marc Anthony
When Can I see You Again -Babyface
When Somebody Loved Me -Sarah Mclachlan
True Colours -Phil Collins & Babyface
Leaving on a Jet Plane -Nsync
You -Jesse Powell
Burn In Heaven -Sarah Mclachlan
Morning Has Broken -Cat Stevens

Sunday, July 28, 2002

Wise sayings you were never taught in school (Pidgin translations)
* A rolling stone - somebody wey e push am
* Birds of the same feather - have the same mommie
* A stitch in time - de save more tear tear
* One good turn - be 'atwitwi' dat
* A bird in hand - go sh** for your palm inside
from Ghanaian Classmates

Couldn't Sleep
I had a dream last night in which the cats had ransacked the apartment. When I woke up and stamered into the bathroom, my dream came true. Toilet paper, hair stuff, all over the place. My very next thought was... the livingroom, the fish! Bubu would never believe it if I told her if the cat got them. They were safe, for the memoment.

I smell Bubu around sometimes and I smell her essence on my person. I understand the part about smelling her perfume around the house but I also smell "her" on me. Could it be that I'm starting to smell like her or am I just smelling things?

Oh what a night. I was up till 5am. Doing what? Downloading music and surfing the net. Couldn't sleep. It's very unlikely that I would have a problem being alone. No, it's not the being alone part, it's the sleeping alone part I'm not used to. I'm sure I'll be used to it in a week.
Am I becomming needy? Me? Wow, I guess people do change. But I believe deep down inside, I'm still a loner.

Long Day
Gosh, this is the longest day ever. I could hardly sleep last night (friday) and I haven't been able to nod off yet. I spent most of the day online, playing Text Twist. I think I'm a pro right now. Six hours of that game was enough to fry my brain.
Spent the rest of the day watching tv and yellling at the cats. Cursing Bubu for leaving me here with these insane beasts who love nothing better than to scratch me and fight. Did you know that cats fart? And it stinks! And to think all this time I was blaming Bubu. I'm thinking of donating them kitties before she gets back. Anyone want two crazy cats? I'll even throw in some fish if you want.
I am definately not an animal person!

Friday, July 26, 2002

There's a little selfish part of me that wishes she didn't have to go. I hate to admit it but I'm going to miss her dearly. Selfish, selfish me. All I can think about is the fact that I'm going to be alone! Alone! I'm going to have to remember to feed the fish everyday, the kittens are going to give me hell and at the end of the day, she's not going to be home to make it all worth it. Alone.
On the other hand, she won't be bugging me about blogging everyday, hold up. Yes she will, she'll email, phone, instant message. Oh snap, what a wicked thing technology can be. Oh well I'll just have to remember to forget.

I don't understand those who think there's no big deal in using the word "God" in the pledge of allegance. They seem to think it's ok to mix politics and religion. Personally, I could care less but what would they say if "God" replaced with "Allah"? Something to think about.

Do i have to put a gun up your tushie before you decide to blog?!!!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Oh no she didn't! She went and brought that cat into the house. I told her not to! I told her not to!!!! She just had to get that tabby cat, she just had to. We're doomed! Surrounded by cats. Slowly she turns into the cat lady.
Ok, so she's definatly adorable but 2 cats? Why??? So Zero can have company? Come on. Neither of them are declawed and Zero keeps hissing at her as if she were about to attack him. As for Gunja, she just ignores him as if he weren't even there. I guess she's used to having other cats around and he isn't. He's petrified of her even though she's half his size. Well, then again, he's never seen another cat before. I give him a week. He'll be purring and grooming her after she's done licking his non exisitant balls.

Bubu came home early today. I was still in her red silk morning gown and watering the flowers when the Zero jumped onto the tv and started messing around. He seems to have a behavioral problem. He's agressive and bored, not a good combination for a cat. The phone rang and in 15 mins I was getting ready to go grocery shopping with her.

After getting groceries Bubu suggested we go to Catalina's for lunch. It's a typical small seedy Mexican restaurant with peach colored walls and arched terra cotta doorways. It has benches that would look more comfortable in Mexico. We had supremem fajita with chicken beef and shrimp, and shredded beef chimichanga with refried beans and spanish rice. Yes, that was some meal! I had guacamole for the very first time. I have to admit, I've never tasted anything that good. It's my aphrodesiac. My head was spinning, my heart was fluttering, I even felt slightly tipsy and yes, I was even aroused. Bubu thinks it's just my endorphines reacting to the food but I could swear they put some weed or crack in that guacamole. What a way to get repeat customers.

A little later, we went to the animal shelter. I can not believe we're got a cat on hold. Yes a ginger tabby on a second hold. I have to admite, it's the sweetest cutest kitty ever but damn! We only want one because Zero's grown bored and restless and needs company. So after playing with about ten cats, we came back to the first one. Hopefully, it won't be available tomorrow when the first hold is taken off.

Monday, July 22, 2002

Water Front
Today was a long and interesting day. We went to the waterfront. It was nice and sunny, a little too sunny. I think we moved out of the sun about three times, just trying to get away from its burning rays. The tree we were under didn't seem to be doing any good. The scenery was nice too. The silvery navy blue river was calm as ever. People were walking by, prisoners of their own thoughts. I always wonder what they're thinking about as they go about their day.

There were children and adults alike playing in a giant fountain. I guess they don't get many sunny days. They were in swim suits and were having the time of their lives. I would have loved to join but didn't want to get my hair wet. Not after Bubu had spent hours fixing it up for me.

There was a black man sitting on the bench not far from us. At first I thought he was just a bum but when he pulled out his artwork I had instant respect for him. He was working on an acrylic paining of a ship on the water. A blend of beautiful blues, greens, yellows and reds gave the water a strange and unusually realistic look. People started crowding around and I could see they were impressed.

Pigeons flew by him and in that instant I made a mental note to remember that scene in time with the old man painting with a crowd round him and pigeons flying by. I'll some day make a painting of that.
Bubu and I spent a long time on the grass. It was as always, relaxing and fun. There were the little dogs that came by and started fighting in front of us. There were the muscled men jogging or biking bare chested all oiled and tanned. There was the man in a suit who just looked out of place. He must have been burning up in 95 degree weather. Despite all the bugs, we were there for a while. I guess the scenery made it all worth while.

Later on that evening, we went to a comedy club. Again, with free tickets. We're yet to pay for a show at that club. There really must be a sign somewhere that states that they have R rated jokes, or is it a XXX rating? All I know is that I felt mighty uncomfortable up in the front row with Bubu laughing her butt off while the dirty old man of a comic cracked jokes about some of the people in the front row. But I've got to admit, true to his word, he WAS funnier than shit!!

I've got to go to bed now.. somebody wants to meamea me before we sleep.

Oh, I just remembered. Faf put up a pic of those umm mmm lips on his on his blog. What a tease!

Friday, July 19, 2002

He thinks I'm jealous!
What the heck? Bubu's best friend thinks I'm jealous of him. I really don't get it. What exactly am I suppose to be jealous of? His close relationship with her, his manhood, what? If anything, I'm glad she's got someone who she's really close to, someone I can go to when I need to know "things" about her. I know how important it is to have someone on your side who'll tell you like it is.
I guess his first impression of me was that of, a jealous person? I'm generally a shy person and shy people are usually quiet. Once one gets to know me... once you get to know me I'm a just pain in the butt!

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

Oh how I love going through people's blogs!

Mighty geek writes... how we met
Bubbles writes... disclaimer
Faf writes... why's that?
Sin Dee writes... born assholes
Petro writes... a universal story
Gutterflower writes... open floors
Girlie writes... dumbass ex-husband
Naya writes... ybhw2
Jodi writes... attention

Monday, July 15, 2002

Sometimes you just need a little pick me upper...
Eve and God

Eve calls out to God... "Lord, I have a problem!"
"What is the problem, Eve?"
"Lord, I know you created me and provided this beautiful garden and all of these wonderful animals and that hilarious comedic snake, but I am just not happy."
"Why is that, Eve?" came the reply from above.
"Lord, I am lonely, and I am sick to death of apples."
"Well Eve, in that case, I have a solution. I shall create a man for you."
"What is a man, Lord?"
"This man will be a flawed creature, with many bad traits. He will lie, cheat and be vain. All in all, he will give you a hard time, but he will be bigger, faster and will like to hunt and kill things. He will look silly when he is aroused, but since you have been complaining, I'll create him in such a way that he will satisfy your physical needs. He will be witless and will revel in childish things like fighting and kicking a ball about. He won't be too smart, so he'll also need your advice to think properly."
"Sounds great," says Eve, with an ironically raised eyebrow. "What is the catch, Lord?"
"Well,....you can have him on one condition."
"What's that, Lord?"
"As I said, he'll be proud, arrogant, and self-admiring...So you'll have to let him believe that I made him first. Just remember, it's our little secret....
You know, Woman to Woman".

Crying Headache
Yesterday I woke up with a strange headache. It felt like a crying headache but I hadn't been crying. I went on all day.
I didn't know we weren't talking until I read her blog. I just thought she was giving me blunt answers because she was in one of her moods (like I sometimes am). I was already pissed from the day before with the person I hung up on. I guess I should have known but my head was throbing and I really didn't want to talk or think. Then I started wondering how long it would take for her to come up and talk to me about it if I didn't initiate the conversation. I thought maybe an hour max. Hours went by and each one made me more angry and more miserable.

Come bed time I was restless and agitated. I thought, if I apologized to whoever I hung up on I'd feel a little better. That didn't happen. I knew I had to talk to her before the night was through but the depressive emotion of the entire day had compressed and weighted down on me so much and the shame, oh the shame! She definatly doesn't need this emotional burden. What was I thinking? I was the one in the wrong. Why had I waited. Like a man, it was my pride, my ego, the dread of having to say "I'm sorry". But like a woman I broke down and cried. Why, oh why do we put ourselves through this drama?

Sunday, July 14, 2002

I was sending a close friend an email and I thought hmmm....

Are you still in your contemplative mood? I'm sorry she caused you such pain but in a way, I'm glad she did. It made you realise that things aren't always the way we expect them to be. There aren't many set rules in life. And life is not always what you make it. It's not black or white or even grey, it just is. There's no meaning to life unless you give it one.

Word of advice, life is what happens while you're searching for who you want to be and what makes you happy. So don't expect to find it any time soon. It will come to you but in the mean time, life must go on. Find your temporary happiness in the things that currently make you happy.

Don't you worry about our friendship. It'll still be there even when we're not here anymore. Dang, someone should quote me on that. Was good wasn't it?
Love always...

Thursday, July 11, 2002

Got this from quantumtunnels blog on What he wishes you knew.
Ok, this is what I wish he(whoever he may be) knew:
1. Don't ask me to look pretty for you. I don't ask you to look sexy for me.
2. If you can't tell it to me in my face, write it down, email it. I'll understand.
3. Don't stalk me!
4. You can spend time with your friends, just don't do it when we've got something special planned.
5. You don't have to remember our aniversery, just my birthday.
6. Don't think I want to get married just because we've been together for so long.
7. When I want to be alone, it's not because of you.
8. Don't smother me. There's only so much sweetness I can take in a week.
9. If you want to do something nice for me, keep your hands and fingers clean.
10. Just because she's one of your best friends doesn't mean you should spend the night over at her place.
11. You know I love you if I kiss your morning breath!
12. Don't make me do anything I don't want to.
13. I want a small wedding in the park where we go for walks.
14. Don't ask me if I'm pregnant when I'm bloated.
15. Eating off your plate is a sign that I'm comfortable with you.
16. Don't introduce me to any ex's who still have crushes on you or who are prettier than me.
17. I'm a movie freak. Don't get upset if I go to the movies alone because you don't want to.
18. Don't ask me to say I love you, I'll do it when I mean it.
19. I just love watching you sleep. I'm not planning on killing you.
20. If I make you breakfast in bed it's not because I've done something wrong.
21. I'm not ambitious but that doesn't mean I want to be a housewife.
22. I don't care how much money you make as long as I don't have to support you 9 months out of the year.
23. I don't expect you to sleep on the coach just because we fought. Just don't touch me!
24. Just because I'm masterbating in bed isn't an invitation.
25. DON'T ask me about 3some with another woman if you're not willing to have 3somes with another man.
26. Don't be kind to strangers and mean to me.
27. It's not too small.
28. You're not too flabby. You don't really need to work out unless you want to.
29. No, your family can't come and stay for the entire summer!
30. I'll tolerate you pets. I don't have to love them.
31. Please tolerate my family. You don't have to love them.

I hadn't heard from a friend in a while and going through old emails I found this.
Subject: Life

My alarm went off -- it was Sunday again; I was tired -- it was my one day to sleep in. But the guilt I'd have felt the rest of the day would have been too much, so I'd go; I'd pray.

I showered and shaved, adjusted suit and tie, Got there and swung into a pew just in time. Bowing my head in humble prayer, but before I closed my eyes, I saw that the shoe of the man next to me was touching my own and I sighed. With plenty of room on either side, I thought,"why do our soles have to touch?" It bothered me so; he was glued to my shoe, But it didn't seem to bother him much. Then the prayer began: "Heavenly Father," someone said-- but I thought, "Does this man with the shoes have no pride?" They were dusty, worn, scratched end to end. What's worse, there were holes on the side!

"Thank You for blessings," the prayer went on. The shoe man said a quiet "amen." I tried to focus on the prayer, but my thoughts were on his shoes again. Aren't we supposed to look our best when walking through that door? "Well, this certainly isn't it," I thought, glancing toward the floor. Then the prayer ended and songs of praise began. The shoe man was loud, sounding proud as he sang. He lifted the rafters; his hands raised high; The Lord surely heard his voice from the sky. Then the offering was passed; what I threw in was steep. The shoe man reached into his pockets, so deep, and I tried to see what he pulled out to put in, then I heard a soft "clink," as when silver hits tin. The sermon bored me to tears--And no lie-- it was the same for the shoe man, for tears fell from his eyes.

At the end of the service, as is custom here, We must greet the visitors and show them good cheer. But I was moved inside to want to meet this man, So after the closing, I shook his hand. He was old, his skin dark, his hair a mess. I thanked him for coming, for being our guest, He said, "My name's Charlie, glad to meet you, my friend," And there were tears in his eyes--but he had a wide grin. "Let me explain," he said, wiping his eyes. "I've been coming for months, and you're the first to say, "Hi." I know I don't look like all the rest, But I always try to look my best." "I polish my shoes before my long walk,But by the time I get here they're as dirty as chalk." My heart fell to my knees, but I held back my tears, He continued, "And I must apologise for sitting so near." "But I know when I get here, I must look a sight. And I thought . . if I touched you, our souls might unite." I was silent for a moment knowing anything I said would pale in comparison, so I spoke from my heart not my head. "Oh, you've touched me," I said. "And taught me, in part, That the best of a man is what's in his heart." The rest, I thought, this man will never know. . . How thankful I am that he touched my soul!

You might be best friends one year, pretty good friends the next year, don't talk that often the next year, don't want to talk at all the year after that. So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life, I respect you and truly cherish you.

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

It all started with the question, "do you feel that I'm I keeping you here against your will?" I seriously don't know where that question came from but I'm sure it must have had something to do with something. Was it something I said or did that made her feel that way? I guess I should have known when she said, "I can blog about anything right?" I just didn't expect this. I don't like drama and even though it's just her opinion, just her expressing herself, venting, I know it's going to cause some major drama.

For those of you just joining us. Bubu my "buddy" feels that... Well, I'm not exactly sure what she feels but I know that her post is going to cause a whole nother headache. And all I had mentioned to her was that he (my other buddy) would like me to come back.

It's not worth the drama to me. There is hurt and there is pain. I don't see the need to compound it so (u know who you are) please don't ask me about it. Bubu, I still love you regardless. I know you have the right to voice your opinion but is it worth it if it's going to give those you care about a headache?

But I must admit...

Oh how my nails have grown!

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

Soo Excited!
I was so excited to find out that she had Adobe Illustrator 9.0 on her computer. I couldn't contain myself. Mind you, I've never used it or even seen it before. Like a little kid, I played with it for hours and hours. I created my very first masterpiece. Ok, it was just a doodle but my doodles are classic. I tried to save it and alas... it was only a trial version which does not allow you to save. Dang Namit!

Monday, July 08, 2002

A few more I couldn't resist...

Oye como va
Misheard them as:
Oh yeah come over

Song: Mrs. Robinson -Artist: Simon and Garfunkel
The real lyrics were:
Jesus loves you more than you will know
But misheard them as:
She's a sluzzy moron you will know

Song: Mrs. Robinson -Artist: Simon and Garfunkel
The real lyrics were:
Jesus loves you more than you will know.
But misheard them as:
She's a slut. That's more than you should know.

Song: The Sound of Silence -Artist: Simon and Garfunkel
The real lyrics were:
Ten thousand people maybe more
But misheard them as:
Ten thousand people making war

Song: Lucky -Artist: Britney Spears
The real lyrics were:
She's so lucky; she's a star,
but she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart.
But misheard them as:
She's so lucky in her car,
but she cry, cry, cried when they stole her car.

Friday, July 05, 2002

PMS is such a downer. No wonder guys think women are PMSing whenever they're acting bitchy. But they never realise that you could be depressed or just want to be alone when PMSing too. It sucks because you just don't feel like doing the things you really want to do and all you can do is wait for it to pass. Chemical changes occur in the head and you feel like it's playing with your emotions. Speaking of which..
Bubu and I were at kissthisguy.com (misheard lyrics) and for Destiny's Child's lyrics to thier song Emotion
The real lyrics were:
Cry me a river that leads to your ocean
But they were misheard as:
Cry me a river that leads to erosion

Someone else misheard the real lyrics:
It's just emotions taking me over
Misheard them as:
It's just Beyonce taking it over

that definately put a smile on my face!

Wednesday, July 03, 2002


Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Blah day
It's been one of those blah days when your mind races in a million different directions. One of those weeks when you have bloggers block. I was thinking of commercials that I like and all that comes to mind are gap, cotton, and gieco.

Am I experiences brain freeze or overlaod? Words words words with no meaning.... art stores, scroll code, buttons, touch, dictionary, help, face, warm, eyebead, effect, veter, yam, nausea and blah. Let me know if YOU can make sense of it.

I really need to finish Women's Moods -what every woman must know about Hormones, the Brain and Emotional Health. I stoped reading it after the first few chapters, it seemed sexist but I'll go back to it when I get hold of a copy.

Monday, July 01, 2002

Maybe it's because I'm easily amused or maybe I'm just weird. I surfed onto Blogicon which just made me laugh. I think I'm turning into a blog addict.

The Word of the Day
Cupidity \kyoo-PID-uh-tee\, noun: Eager or excessive desire, especially for wealth; greed; avarice.
Cupidity ultimately comes from Latin cupiditas, from cupidus, "desirous," from cupere, "to desire." It is related to Cupid, the Roman god of love.

Sunday, June 30, 2002

The most interesting warning I've ever seen in the source code of a blog was at mybluehouse.com. It reads:

"If you're just peeking, peek away. But if you're planning on taking my weblog layout and/or images I assure you that I'll come across your site eventually and when I do, I'll make you feel the sharp pain of my foot kicking you in the behind. Then I'll make your life real hell for a while through a variety of ways. Promise."

Saturday, June 29, 2002

Billy Reed
"Your lemon is bigger than mine", she said looking at the half slice of lemon perched on the rim of my tall lemonade glass.
"You can have mine if you want". I had no need for the sour friut. In my head I thought, penis envy but what came out my mouth was "lemon envy". I scrunched my face when she bit into and sucked on the bitter slice. I could almost taste it in my mouth.

In the background bar/restaurant, N-Touch, a melodiously classy smooth jazz band turned notes into soothing hypnotic music as the crowd swayed to the beat. I turned my attention back to her. She seems to be having a good time. She's talking about when she got knocked in the crotch by a hockey puck. Again I scrunch my face but it quickly turns into a smile and then a histerical laugh as I listen to her. I've never met anyone who's gone through such intense agony and has such sense of humor about it.

The music was great, the food was good too, all eighteen baby back ribs. The evening went well. We walk back to the car in the rain, tired, full and content.

Thursday, June 27, 2002

Referrers to this site:
+ Google: sexy guys wearing nothing at all
+ Yahoo: tomatoe cages
+ Yahoo: ghanaian sex
+ Google: making light soup ghana
+ Yahoo: enema mates
+ Yahoo: sexy ghanain girls
+ Yahoo: ghanaian movie stars
+ Google: african waist beads virginity
+ Yahoo: loose her virginty

"My brain is writting checks my body can't cash."

"If your phone doesn't ring, you'll know it's me."

"Does the noise in my head bother you."

"Is that your face or did your neck throw up?"

"Remember, it's not what you look like, it's who you are."

-from Dan Millers book "Living, Laughing and Loving Life"

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

"I'm gonna treat you like a queen."
What exactly does that mean? How often do spouses and significant others pamper thier mates like kings or queens?
I don't want to be treated like a queen and I sure as heck am not going to treat my man like a king. I will treat him like the man that I love, my best friend and the one who will always be there for him. I want a man who will have time for me. Not a king with the problems of the entire nation on his shoulders. How often does a king make dinner for his hardworking queen? When a king presents his queen with a gift it doesn't have the same effect as when your poor hardworking sweetheart gives you a gift. I would not want my mate to play the servant role either. A servant worships his queen, not by choice but because he has to. I want my man to love me by choice. I want him to feel free to speak his mind. Love me like an equal, not as his superior. I don't see anything glamorous about being treated like a queen.

I was looking through a magazine today and noticed how all the people in there seemed so perfect. Perfectly flawless skin, perfectly figured, ever last one of them. And it makes me wonder, is that what the young generation strive to look like? No wonder there are so many depressed teens out there. Why can't we encourage them to love the way they look. We'll never think ourselves as perfect but why strive to be something we'll never be?
Bubu and I were looking for Maya Angelou's poem "Phenomenal Woman" and guess what. We found it. What a beautiful poem. I dedicate it to all the women out there.

"Phenomenal Woman"
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Monday, June 24, 2002

Can't get the song out of my head...

It's just those rainy days
Spend a lifetime tryin to wash away
Until the sun come out and shines again
Smile for me, smile for me

All of those rainy days
Spend ya lifetime tryin to wash away
Until the sun shines and I see your face
Smile at me, smile at me

Taste of Beaverton
Soulsis, her friend and I went to The Taste of Beaverton Festival at Griffith Park. It was pretty interesting. There was so much to see and do. Several companies were displaying things in boothes and giving away free stuff. We went mainly for two things, the food and to watch Spirogyra perform. The band worked magic on stage. I had no idea how good they really were.
The weather started getting cold (at least for me) so I bought a long sleeved hawaiin t-shirt. Who knew there was such a thing. Can you believe they had alcohol patrol? Yep, they had people in tight uniform walking around checking out for drunks. I guess the cops were too busy looking out for litter bugs.

What advice do you give to your friend who's going cross country? Don't go? Try and stay awake? Watch out for roadkill? Is it a bad idea to have them call you every couple of hours just to see if they're ok or is that overkill?

Saturday, June 22, 2002

Sometimes you get forwards in your inbox that you just want to share..

Beauty of a Woman
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,
The figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart,
The place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman Is not in a facial mole,
But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It is the caring that she lovingly gives,
The passion that she shows.
The beauty of a woman
With passing years -- only grows.

Thursday, June 20, 2002

Hospital Edzeban
Hospital food is suposed to suck, right? I had some good; chicken pasta alfredo from the hospital cafeteria. It was made in front of you by a cheif, and it was good! It had peas in the pasta, the chicken tasted great. It even had a gourmet style look. And the caf was packed. I guess it was lunch time and most people would rather eat there than bring their own food. It was very affordable too. I wonder if we would just walk off the street into that hospital cafeteria and have lunch.

They even had these minty flavored toothpick. Before then, I'd never had minty flavored toothpicks. Who invented such a thing anyway? They totally shocked my taste buds. There I was thinking I was imagining it so I asked Soulsis to try it. The woman called me a villager. I'm sorry if little things like that amaze, puzzle, amuse me.
Maybe I'm the only one who thinks hospital food tastes good. Maybe that's because (as some people think) I'm a villager.

Poor Nurse
I had the poor nurses panties in a twist. Not literally. I was sitting in the lounge area and she came up to me and asked who I was waiting for. Normally I would have been upset but I did see her asking everyone else. Sometimes I wonder why I do such things. I told her that I was waiting for Emitt, Emitt Smith. I got that name from some commercial I had seen. She checked her list and saw no Emitt Smith. I seemed rather upset. I told her that Emitt had come in earlier that morning and I had been waiting for hours. She said she'd walk around the wards and check.
An hour later she was back looking confused. I told her that I'd seen the doctor or nurse take him upstairs. She suddenly looked worried. How would it look? The hospital had lost a patient. Emitt Smith was gone. Could he have just walked out the hospital? I gave her that "Oh no you didn't" look. I asked to talk to someone in charge. I knew it was going too far. Luckily my ride had just called so I stormed out of the hospital yelling back to the nurse, "I'll be back!"

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Love Help and Happiness is out there

Did you know that there are sites out there that actually help you if you want to write a love letter? There are so many love sites out there it's amazing. So if you ever need any help...
* The Cyrano Server
* The Hugging Site
* Loving You
* Love and Sex
* One and Only
* Dear Delilah
* Tantra
* My Dear Diary
* History of Sex
* Secret Admirer
* Romance 101
* Redbook Marriage and Sex
* Love Police

and the list goes on and on and...

Monday, June 17, 2002

Around the park..
Soulsis and I went for a walk in the park the other day. It was a warm evening and after a nice relaxing nap we finally pulled ourselves out of bed and left goofy to guard the house.
There was a middle aged looking man walking his dogs by the road. Further up the hill we saw another middle aged man with the same distinct features as the one we just saw. Makes you wonder. A deja vu? Maybe it's a glitch in the Matrix. That reminds me. Soul sis has all and I mean ALL my favorite movies and she hasn't even watched half of them. Why did she get them then? I don't think she knows, but I do.
I sat on the swings for a while. Something we both haven't done in a long time. It didn't make me feel like a kid again but that's ok. At this point in my life, I don't think I do.

Saturday, June 15, 2002

I'm The Supporter!

Look what I found...

Someone thinks I'm worthy.

If you like what you see vote for me!

Friday, June 14, 2002

It feels good to know that there are people out there who read my blog everyday. Wow! I have loyal readers. I feel like an online personality. I have to give thanks to y'all. Even negative viewers like Isaac who seem to know all about me just be reading my blogs. If people didn't read my blog, well, I'd still post but it feels good to know that someone out there is following my life, as odd as it may be.

To thine own self be true..
I've come to realise that it really doesn't matter what people think. At the end of the day you have to be true to yourself otherwise you're only going to end up miserable. And who'll be to blame but yourself? Soemtimes we do things just to please others and we get so used to being in that state that we don't realise that it doesn't make us happy.
Then again, humans are social creatures. So unless you live the life of a hermit you have to try and fit in somehow or face being treated as an outcast. Wait a minute, doesn't that contradict my original statement? Oh Lord, my brain is fried. I'm being forced to blog by certain readers like bubbles. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that don't go overboard trying to fit into societal norms if it doesn't make you happy? If you can make sense out of this gibberish, please explain it to me.

Thursday, June 13, 2002

Did I read this right? Pussy Issues? Tell me my eyes are not playing tricks on me. I hope that's a cat Bubble butt is talking about and not her....

Making Waist Beads
We've been making waist beads. Soul sis and I went to a crafts store and found a whole bunch of colors. She brought up the idea of red gold and green waist beads. It sounded like a great idea but I didn't think it would match my skin color so I settled for the blues. I think they turned out pretty well. Some day soon I'll make the red gold green waist beads. We currently have about 8 meters of beadwork combined. Maybe it's about time we stopped and tried them on.

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Having a nine to five job is not an easy task. Especially when you're in the office and have nothing to do between tasks. Time seems to slip by so slowly when you have nothing to do and speeds up when you're having fun. I wonder why that is? What in the brain gives us such an extorted view of time. Also notice that when you enjoy what you're doing, time speeds up but when you don't, it might as well stand still.

Light Soup Dilema
Why is it that when you want to do something right it turns out sloppy? Don't you hate it when your light soup turns into stew? I know how to make light soup. I know I know how to make light soup. I know how to make it my way, the only way I know how. Steam meat with salt, onions, fresh tomatoes and pepper. Ginger optional. Blend veggies when ready. Pour it it back in with the meat, add tomatoe sauce or paste, add water and let cook. That's the only way I know how. This is my dilema, there are no fresh tomatoes. What do I do? I panic. I know we've got chopped tomatoes but I have no idea what to do with it. Is that sad or what? I have to 411 my friend just to find out. I'm not suprised they call me a "krasini with a degree".

Monday, June 10, 2002

A day at the zoo.
Some days you just don't feel like doing anything. That's how it started till we were rudely ushered out of bed by annoying phone calls. It was a nice day to be at the zoo. We saw all sorts of interesting animals but they all seemed to be depressed. There were the asian elephants, varieties of monkeys, cats, goats, birds, wolves, giraffs etc.

The tropical African room felt so much like home to me. The humidity was heavenly. To my friend, it must have felt like hell. I don't know how anyone with asthma could ever survive in Ghana. I'm not sure there are many asthmatics in Ghana. How would they deal with the humidity of the rainy season or the dryness of the hamattan?

The bats were a hoot. All I know about them is that the rest upside down. It never occured to me that they'd have to pee and poop right side up. One mischevious little bat peed in one of the food pans and flew to the other end of the cage to rest. I'm sure he had a grin on his face.

The tigers were awesome. When they awoke, I realised why I love those creatures so much. There's just something so majestic about them. Somehow despite how good they looked they seemed so tired and depressed. These animals need their exercise. They need to be the wild animals that they are. Cages can be so limiting. The leopards were not much better. I could have sworn that one in particular had obsessive compulsive disorder. It kept pacing back and forth in the same crestlike motion, never looking up or around at its audience. I guess it just didn't care anymore.

Even the monkeys seemed depressed. They stared with empty eyes. They must be dreaming of freedom, if they even know what that is. A baby monkey stuck to it's mothers tit while she checked him for tics. A beautiful mother and child moment. The birds were pretty cool too but even they didn't seem to have the aliveness of animals in the wild. I guess that's why it's a zoo.

Despite the depressive atmosphere, it was a nice warm day to spend with someone special. I think my favorite part was sitting on the bench watching people walk by. It seemed so relaxing as if we hadn't a care in the world. Well, maybe one. We were looking for someone to take our picture.

Friday, June 07, 2002

My friend has an adorably annoying neurotic cat called Goofy who responds to cat or animal. He's absolutely the cutest smokey-black cat ever. The goofball is so full of energy, he'd chase his shadow and chew it of he could. He loves chasing after invisible objects and eats everything including paper, plastic and human hair. He likes his privacy when he's in the litterbox. He purrs when he wants attention and sleeps in the oddest places. His favorites, where ever your head should be, in the book you're trying to read and by the computer. I swear that cat is schitzo.

Goofy has the strangest habit late at night and into the early morning. Grooming and licking you as if you were his dirty little kitten. He parts your hair with his sharp claws and paws and slobbers all over your scalp licking it and wetting your hair. He makes the weirdest sound as he does it. It's almost as if he's enjoying himself. I guess as a cat with no balls, he's got to find a way to satisfy himself.

The neurotic creature will lick the back of your neck and ears. He doesn't seem to mind being pushed away, he'll be back in 5 seconds. It doesn't matter how hard you try to keep the covers over your head, he'll dig his way through them. The scary thing is that if you didn't know it were the cat with his sandpaper like tongue, you'd swear someone was trying to turn you on. Did I say it was a turn on? I plead the fifth. All I can say is that I now know the cat lady's secret!

Thursday, June 06, 2002

On the 24th of May I went to a graduation. I have never been to a more boring ceremony in my entire life. There was no music besides the ordinary graduation music. There was no dancing. The students didn't seem excited. If anything they were in a hurry to leave. I felt sory for those who recieved an empty tube (no diploma inside). The host went on and on about September 11th and how life has changed after that. That must have been the most depressing graduation service ever. It would have been more eventful if it had rained.
After the ceremony, we had our own little celebration which was far more interesting. Ghanaians do not mess around with thier partying. There was music, plenty of food, dancing, noise and someone making a fool of themselves. After the ceremony, there were more partying till the next day. Now that's how Ghanaians celebrate and event, any event. Funeral, birth, whatever, there's always a joyful ring to it, a concept I wish were practiced everywhere.

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Baby Blues
On the 16th of May, I met the most gorgeous baby ever. His name is Julius. Such a happy baby too which is pretty rare. The 3 month of baby hardly ever cries. He loves to play and he loves to laugh and all he needs to fall asleep is his pacifier and his stuffed toy. Any mother would be lucky to have such a kid. In parks and at the mall, this baby gets so much attention, it's amazing. He's a chick magnet and a guy magnet too. This baby has no idea how many hearts he's going to break in future.

He makes me wish I were a kid again. I miss those care-free days when the most important agenda of the day was deciding which toys to play with. Julius' smile is enough to melt any heart. It starts from one corner of his mouth and ends with him showing off his toothless mouth. His eyes squint and sometimes he laughs so hard tears run down his face. I'm going to miss that little boy, his little feet, his little fingers and his beautiful smile.

I've realised that even though I don't want to have any children of my own, I however do want to be surrounded by them. I've never had anything against adoption and I plan to adopt as many as possible. Now, finding a man who doesn't want kids of his own yet is willing to put up with a bunch of mentally disturbed kids of others is the hard part.

Tuesday, June 04, 2002

DotFaf.... I'm back at it again!!


-- Click Here To Take The Test --

Can it be possible that I really don't know how to show affection? I feel sorry for my kids if I ever have any.
You know what I've realised? No matter how gorgeous you are if you don't feel good about yourself, it doesn't matter. I wish everyone understood that.

Feels like an episode of The Twilight Zone
Ever realised how different it is knowing someone online and knowing them in person. There is usaully such a major difference. So major that is can change your entire view, your entire relationship with the person. There's this friend I originally met online, she seems so wild crazy and untamable but in person, she's the coolest calmest person I've ever met. So ordinary, so grounded (in some ways), so like myself. I feel so shy around her in person. I can't spew out my thoughts as I would do online.
And have you ever met someone who seems to be a duplicate of you? Someone with your tastes in almost everything. Someone who you feel you could exchange bodies with and feel comfortable in thier skin? Freaks me out but it's possible. I could be this person and no one would ever know. If this person is almost exactly like me then I have to say, I really like myself. I'm not all together stable but if I'm as cool as she is, I should be a very happy person.
And have you ever met someone you wish you could reach out to yet you're not sure how? In your head it all seems so easy. The emotions, words everything is lined up perfectly but nothing comes out of your mouth with you need it to? It's just so frustrating. Besides, what are the limits. What are the does and don'ts in person vrs the does and don'ts online. Are there any and if so, are they any different? Maybe the writers of The TwiLight Zone can help me out on this one.

Monday, June 03, 2002

Oh, what can I say. It's been a real adventure for this Ghanaian girl seeking enlightenment. I wish I could tell you everything I've been up to but that would take forever. I thought that after this experience I'd be ready to settle down into a normal life but it's just reassured me that, that's defiantely not what I want to do. Or is it? I'm still not too sure.
On May 15th when I started my little trip, I didn't know what to expect. All I knew was that I was in for something different. Well, when the bus broke down just out of town it kinda put a damper on the beginning of my trip. When I got to Ohio, I made the worst mistake. I forgot to check for my luggage. So by the time I got to my next destination I wasn't too suprised to find out that they hadn't arrived yet. I didn't mind too much that I didn't have anything to wear besides my one change of clothes. It bugged the heck out of me that my ablum was in one of those bags. Pictures are priceless and no matter how much they offer to replace them for, I'd rather have them back than any amount of money. Yep, that was my first lesson. Clothes $200, gifts $200, album $20, pictures PRICELESS!

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Miss me? Yah, I thought so. I've been on the road for almost a week now. America sure is a beautiful place but it all looks the same to me. I guess I've been here too long. I miss home. Oh I miss home so much yet I love this place too. What is a woman to do? I'll fill you on the details later.

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

Have You Taken The Test?

Faf, I'm honored! I felt like that quiz was intentionaly made for me. And how did you know I'd choose THAT answer. No, I don't think those quizes are stupid. I think they're blog fillers. Anyway thanks. I had a great laugh and a great shock!

Tomorrow I leave for the great yonder. To find myself and true enlightenment. That's as long as there's a Burger King and Wendy's on the path to Enlightenment.
What am I hoping to find? I have no idea but a little inspiration would be nice.

Hopefully I'll find a beach somewhere where I can walk barefoot in the sand and watch people burn themselves while I ponder on the mysteries of life. Maybe I'll write a love letter and mail it to some random inmate on deathrow. Or I might just leave it in a cafe for someone to find. Maybe I'll buy a homeless guy lunch at a nice restaurant. Why? Because it's a nice thing to do? No, because I can.
Oh, who knows what will happen. I might come back empty handed or with a whole new outlook on life. Wish me luck.

Monday, May 13, 2002

Alias Season I Finale

Did the season finale of Alias kick butt or what?! I've got to say Abrams is amazing.
Was Emily poisoned by her husband? And why did Sloan tell his wife about SD6 if she's safe. He loves his wife but there's no way he's going to turn down the offer to become one of the 12 in the Alliance. Yup, Sloan is moving on up and who knows who's going to take his place. Hint.. Bristow!
How dare they kill of my man. Th love of my life Vaughn! Didn't see that one coming at all. I always thought Tippen would be the one to die but nooooo... they had to make it all dramatical and kill my Vaughn. I couldn't believe my eyes and it hurts just to think about it. Vaughn is gone. I hope Tippen makes it back to work in time before his boss publishes the story Tippen gave her in case anything ever happened to him. If that gets out, all hell is going to break loose.
The mole for the CIA was that snotface all along. I guess that was the only obvious thing in the whole show. Which is kinda suprising because it just looked too easy.
Whoever through Sidney and her dad wouldn't make a connection? They had to work together to destroy the Rambaldi artifact and I bet next season, they're going to work together to take down The Man (Sidney's mother) after Sidney escapes of course. And after her mother tries to convince her to join her side but I'm sure she'll have no trouble trying to kill Sidney if she refuses.
And will Dixon expose Sidney? I can't wait to find out. Hint, once Bristow is in power, he's goign to confirm to Dixon that what Sidney was doing was top secret. All this time we were thinking Khasinau ws the Man. It sounded a little fishy that they'd call him THE MAN. When in fact, The Man was no man at all. Who was it? I knew the minute I saw Khasinau try to give Sidney something to eat. Such affection could only mean he was connected to her in some way. He was connected to Sidney' mother... The Man. And now everything makes sense.
This is not the end. It's just the beginning. I don't know how they're going to top this but the season premiere of the next season better kick major butt!!!

ALIAS on ABC 9/8c
How would I describe Alias? La Femme Nikita meets James Bond. Only more intense.

Sunday, May 12, 2002

This just takes domestic violence to a whole new level.
When I first heard that an unusual amount to women were being killed by thier wives, I thought it was rather unfortunate. When I heard it from friends and family back home I was majorly disturbed and frankly, I'm a little worried. Are these men getting away with it? Is that why it's so rampant or is it a mental condiion? What are our Ghanaian men up to? What could a wife possibly do to deserve murder? This just takes domestic violence to a whole new level. Some men need to learn that women are no longer property.

Saturday, May 11, 2002

Prostitution wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't a stigma attached to it.
A friend called me with an exciting secret she wanted to share. She seemed too excited, almost as if she'd just found the secret to a happy sucessful life. When I asked her what information she had that would blow my mind, the 20 year old girl told me, "people give you things if you sleep with them".

At first I thought she was joking. In my head I was saying "that's prostitution" but the only thing that came out was, "oh really?" I guess she never learnt about the birds and the bees and the bumblebees. Now, how do I explain things to her without shattering her naive hopes? Apparently, she'd just lost her virginty to her sugar daddy. He took her on a shopping spree after their "first" night and now she thinks she's set for life. By the way, her sugar daddy has 3 kids by 3 different women, non of which recieve child support. How naive can a person be? Do I let her find out on her own or do I tell her she's being used and watch her accuse me of being jealous. What to do, what to do.

Friday, May 10, 2002

Nestor Carbonell
Yes, my new tv crush. It used to be the Rock but just like Joe from the tv show "Friends", he now reminds me of a dumb blonde. Nestor Carbonell who plays Luis on Suddenly Susan is cute AND smart. Can you believe that he went to Harvard? I wonder if he's single. I'm starting to wonder if I'm going through a Latino crush phase. It's just something about Latino's.

Anyway, for the past couple of months, I've stayed up (watching Suddenly Susan) waiting for the episode where Vicky and Ben get married. I once saw that episode and loved the music they had playing at the wedding. Now I can't even remember what that song was. So I've been waiting for that episode to come back on. Guess what! The one night I fall asleep early, it comes on. Can you believe that? Who is it that said, "if something can go wrong, most likely it will?"
I've been online searching and searching and searching. All I want to know is th title of the song playing at Vicky a Ben's wedding. It's drivig me crazy!

Thursday, May 09, 2002

I think I'm starting to grow a butt.
I went out yesterday and I was amazed at the attention I got. I know I've been hibernating for a while but man this was strange. I wore a little black floral dress I found in the back of my closet. At first I just thought that is was because we just came out of winter. Guys are always more oggly-eyed right after a long winter, but no! We've been having warm weather for a while now. Then I thought, maybe the dress I wore was a little too tight. Maybe it was but I had no other clean clothes and I have put on a few pounds. Then a friend made a positive comment about my ass. I was shockprised!!! Yes, I said SHCOKPRISED! I thought twice about it, thinking he might have meant it sarcastically, but no. I was shockprised all over again!
All my life people have been making fun of my non-exisitant ass. Now I have one sprouting out of nowhere. Wonders will never cease. All along, I was just a late bloomer, a very late bloomer. Not to mention, I have found my new favorite ass dress for the summer.

All this ass talk just made me remember the Blockbuster commercial with the hamster and the rabbit.