Quantum Mechanics
All I can say is WOW!!!!
"Quantum mechanics describes the bizarre rules of light and matter on atomic scales. In that realm, matter can be in two places at once; objects behave as both particles and waves (a strange duality described by Schrodinger's wave equation); and nothing is certain: the quantum world runs on probability."
Science at Nasa
"The air between you and this text consists of particles rushing to and fro at several hundred metres a second. The lower the temperature the slower these particles move. What would happen if the temperature approached absolute zero, –273 °C? Surely such cold cannot be achieved on Earth? This year's Nobel Laureates managed to cool down a gas of alkali atoms to 0.000 000 02 degrees above absolute zero – and then they saw something very remarkable happening: an entirely new state of matter arose, a Bose-Einstein condensate."
Nobel E-museum
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